Article FAQs
Why does my article require approval?
All the articles on Dockship must be reviewed by the editorial team at Dockship to ensure high standards of the content.
When will my article be approved?
Once you submit an article for review, it will take up to 48 Hrs for our editorial team to review your article. After the team has reviewed your Article, you will get a response whether your article was approved or not.
Why was my article rejected?
The reason for your article rejection will be mentioned in the response email. Some common reason why your article can get rejected:
The article is highly plagiarised.
The article is too generic or is not related to programming.
Grammatical mistakes in the article - We advise you to install Grammar checking tools in your browser.
Puntuation mistakes and excessive headlines, bold, itallics, and upercase usage.
Articles that lack paragraphs and contain excessive bullet points.
Using prfane language, inappropriate images, and copyrighted images.
The article is too short - please make sure your articles are at least 350 Words.
Too many links in the article - Please keep the external links in your article to a maximum of 5.
How long can I monetize my article?
Articles are monetizable for up to 30 days from the date of publishing the article. Beyond that period, views and upvotes on your article will not earn you money.
Why was my article Demonetized?
Dockship can at any time Demonetize your article. The reason will be mentioned in the response email. Some common reason for demonetization of articles:
Getting fake likes
Increasing views on your article via unethical means.
The author has used profane language in the comment section.
I've earned through my articles but the amount is not credited to my bank account
The payout for Articles happens within the first two weeks of every month. It's a set process and payout cannot be processed as per user request. In order to get payouts, please make sure your KYC is complete.
Last updated
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